Saturday, September 22, 2012

Three Mile Island Shuts Down After Pump Failure

ozmanjursi didn't post any fact and yes I dispute their claims. The nuclear industry in the US has proven to be safe, they promptly report even minor incidents, and to the best of my knowledge have never lied about conditions at their plants or the scope of an event. What happened in other countries has no bearing on what happens in the US until there is evidence to the contrary.

As osmifra points out, the fossil fuel power supply industry (mining up through the power plants themselves) do have a long history of raping the natural resources, not providing safe working conditions for their workers (miners), being horrible polluters, and having massive lobbying arms to make sure that any regulations that do get passed to curb these things have no teeth to actually stop them. Nuclear power, on the other hand, is very tightly regulated (see lobbying power of the fossil power as a big part of that) and does none of those things.


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