Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Celution: ? The Trust Test ?

Trust is a key element in any relationship. Once you have put trust in jeopardy, you have also put your relationship in jeopardy. Any sort of relationship can work the same way but today, I'm focusing in on romantic relationships.

As you may have already seen, I'm in a long distance relationship and basically, things can get stressful. You really have to put your EQ to the test and most importantly, trust.?

I had some minor trust issues previously because of drama in middle school. It was difficult for me to trust anyone and I would always assume that they are lying to me which was my way of protecting myself. I expected the worst from anyone new and basically lived with a very negative mindset. It was unhealthy and sometimes, I still have troubles trusting.

What got me through and over with my trust issues would be one strong friendship shared between a large group of friends and?two good romantic relationships.?

Being put in classes as part of a group for generally more intellectually gifted students set me apart from the majority of the school but also helped me begin and maintain a strong friendship with a group of about 20. The past 3 years of high school with them have been amazing and as we go through our fourth and final year together, I can only wish for the best for all of us. It was a great friendship from the start and probably one of the most unforgettable friendships I'll ever experience.

As for the romantic relationships, my first real relationship was near the end of my grade 10 year and it was short but sweet, I guess I would say. We became close friends in the beginning of grade 10 and it progressed into a romantic relationship for about 2 months before it came back down to being a close friendship. It was a very simple relationship and I'm lucky that we're still good friends the way we were before. We never argued and we rarely spent time away from our group so our relationship was so insignificant that it didn't change much at all. What I learned from it was that you tend to care a lot more about that person when you're in a relationship with them than in a normal friendship and that's about it.

My second romantic relationship is also my current one where I learned more than ever about loving and caring about someone and the significance within each and every action. The tiniest things could make him happy but they could also make him sad, annoyed, mad, or disappointed. I also noticed that what makes him happy can also make me happy but what hurts him will also hurt me. I'm a bad person towards him sometimes and although I've gotten better, I still have a long way to go before I'm always good towards him. I never meant to ever hurt him but I'm just bad at life most of the time and I'm not afraid to admit it. I break promises, I do things that upset him, and most if not every time, I don't notice it until after because I didn't think twice before I did what I did. Regardless, I tell him everything I do because I want to be honest. It feels terrible to know that I can't always make him happy and mostly, that I can't let him trust me. It sucks to be a disappointment in his life even if it's a nearly insignificant amount of the time because to me, it's an extremely significant amount to me.

I once read somewhere that if you fear someone taking your significant other from you, then you must feel that they do not love you. You should try to trust that they understand that you truly love them and that they will at least tell you if their feelings ever change even slightly.?


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