Friday, February 8, 2013

Personalized Magazine App Zite Refines Its New Design, Backtracks From Some Recent Changes

zite logoZite, the CNN-owned iPhone and and iPad app offering aggregated content that's personalized to your interests, launched a big revamp back in December. In some ways, Zite 2.0 was a success ? for one thing, article views per user per day went up 11 percent. On the other hand, co-founder/CTO Mike Klaas and Senior Software Architect Emuye Reynolds told me that there was definitely some pushback from the app's fans, and in fact Zite's star rating in the Apple App Store has dropped. "Anytime you change anything, people are going to be upset," Klaas said. "But I think we underestimated the amount of people who would feel that way."


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