Tuesday, August 27, 2013

5 Good iPad Apps for Teaching Kids about Coding

?Teaching kids how to code is no brainer, there are now several digital platforms where learners get to learn everything about coding from the basics to the advanced levels and without having to pay a dime. I personally learned about HTML and CSS coding through an online website called W3schools and never had any course at school or paid anybody to teach me. I am not an HTML expert now but at least I can tweak my blog template, add widgets, write codes for tables, chart and several other commands.

Related : Great Websites for Learning Coding for Dummies

?Learning about coding in an early age is a great thing for our students because they will learn how to better interact with the digital world they are living in. In this regard and to provide you with some places to suggest to your learners, I have curated this list of some of the most popular iPad apps for learning about coding. Check them out below and share with us your suggestions.

1- Hopscotch Coding for Kids
Inspired by MIT's Scratch, the Hopscotch programming language works by dragging and dropping method blocks into scripts. When you're done with a script, press play to see your code in action! As you get more advanced, you can add more objects and use custom events, such as shaking and tilting the iPad, to run your code.

2- Cato's Hike

This is a cool app for learning about coding. Some of its features include :
  • Simple programming interface using beautiful cards with pictures
  • ?A visual manual to help guide parents and more interested users
  • Loops, branches and if/else, goto labels, looking and chaining looks to look ahead, goto's, and simple memory using colored flags are the main tools used to introduce programming
  • 60 levels and 12 tutorials (always working to add more!)
3- Hakitzu Elite

This game helps you learn the basics of JavaScript. No previous coding knowledge is required as the game takes you from a beginner, to coder, to hacker in our single player mode and on the battlefield. Earn certificates to show off your new coding and gaming skills to your friends! The more you code by hand, the more points you receive to unlock the ultimate weapons for the arena.
4- Codea

We think Codea is the most beautiful code editor you'll use, and it's easy. Codea is designed to let you touch your code. Want to change a number? Just tap and drag it. How about a color, or an image? Tapping will bring up visual editors that let you choose exactly what you want.
5- L2Code CSS

Are you CSS ready? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the next step from basic HTML. If you want more control over the look and formatting of your webpage, then the L2Code CSS app will help you easily learn how. It provides step-by-step instructions and practice tutorials to help you master layout, colors, and fonts.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/educatorstechnology/pDkK/~3/ayy8Ew8rq04/5-good-ipad-apps-for-teaching-kids.html

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