Friday, September 27, 2013

On Continuing Resolution And Debt Ceiling, Pelosi Says Republicans 'Living Dangerously' Instead Of 'Legislating Responsibly'

?The ideology of the Republicans is a luxury the American people cannot afford,? Pelosi said at a news briefing, ?especially when it comes to putting in doubt the full faith and credit of the United States of America.?

Senators are currently debating a temporary funding measure known as a continuing resolution, received from the House last week. The bill proposed to fund the entire government except Obamacare. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is expected to remove the language about defunding the health care law from the legislation before returning it to the House.

House Republicans are looking to also use the removal of funding from Obamacare as a condition for raising the debt limit.

Democrats and Republicans have been at a logjam for months on the budget. Pelosi has dismissed House Republicans as embracing confusion rather than clarity.

?What they say in the morning doesn?t exist in the evening,? Pelosi said.

?It?s impossible for Democrats to negotiate with House Republicans when they can?t even negotiate with themselves.? Pelosi said. ?Instead of legislating responsibly they want to live dangerously and that?s not good for the American people.?

She once again called for a clean debt limit increase. On the matter of the continuing resolution, the minority leader said, ?Let?s see what the Senate sends back to us.? But for now, Pelosi said it is hard to build consensus when it is uncertain what the Republicans will send Democrats.

The government shuts down on Monday if the gridlock continues.


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