Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The PMA, Our Field, Our Profession, Our Future. | BASI Pilates

by Carrie Smith

Recently, there was a Pilates facebook thread that did not stop; it went on and on and on? growing throughout the entire weekend. The main topic of the conversation was directed at attacking AND defending the existence of the PMA (Pilates Method Alliance).? The Executive Director of the PMA, Elizabeth Anderson, was involved in the conversation and did an excellent job ignoring some blatant attacks on the organization and defending with factual statements, not just opinion, the mission and purpose of the PMA. It definitely was a very lively discussion? (makes you wonder what Pilates Instructors do on their weekends!), and involved some less than professional attacks; however, I found it to be very valuable and filled with facts that I thought every Pilates Instructor should be aware of and even more importantly,? to involve themselves in the conversation over the direction of our profession. This topic, discussion and direction will affect us all (at least in the US).

First and foremost, the PMA?s primary purpose is ? to provide an international organization to connect teachers, teacher trainers, studios, and facilities dedicated to preserving and enhancing the legacy of Joseph H. Pilates and his exercise method by establishing standards, encouraging unity, and promoting professionalism? ?what?s not to like about that?? I hope we are all in agreement here, but if not, its okay to have another opinion; I would just like to hear why you disagree with that statement.

Our field has progressed so much in recent years that we desperately need an organization to help corral us together and foster unity and growth as professionals instead of the division that can occur when different ideologies collide. This facebook discussion revealed some attitudes that can be disastrous to any field trying to find its way to acceptance by the general public and other professional fields.

All professional, credible occupations have an organization to help unify its members and support the continued growth, education and dissemination of? necessary information to its members. The Pilates field absolutely needs such an organization and the PMA is the largest, most progressive Pilates organization to date that is working to provide these tools to not just its members, but the entire field of Pilates. Membership is voluntary? anyone can attend a PMA conference or become certified (if they meet eligibility requirements) through them? maybe that will change in the future, but for now they are the only organization providing a 3rd party certification examination, and on top of that, the PMA?s Pilates Certification Program is NCCA accredited.

Are we going to be true professionals and work to elevate Pilates or are we okay with online ?degrees? obtained over a weekend? Let me give you a true story to illustrate the problem? the president of IHRSA (trade association for fitness/health clubs) told an audience at an IDEA convention a few years back that he applied? AND received a personal trainer certificate for his dog? with the DOG?S picture on it!! Yes, that is a problem! A BIG problem!! Let?s not have the Pilates world follow this path!

We need to act like professionals and have accreditation for schools that offer teacher training, proper third party certification (offered through PMA), ?mandatory continuing education and possibly varying levels of professional status based on varying levels of education, experience and knowledge. Why should we treat this as something unusual?

Elizabeth Anderson did a very good job with her thorough explanations in all of these areas? all on a facebook thread! We need to continue the conversation, join together and bring on the status that comes with a viable profession. Something, from what I understand, Joseph Pilates was searching for with his ?Contrology?. It is up to all of us? what does our future hold for Pilates??







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